Catching Fire: Trailer two

So I was stumbling across the internet today, as I do, and squealed like a baby piglet when I discovered a new Catching Fire trailer released just yesterday. Would you like to see?

The movie looks amazing is going to be amazing and is undoubtedly going to live up to, if not exceed, the high standards set by the previous Hunger Games. The acting, the costume design, the music and the set are all incredible. It was also exciting to have a first glimpse of Enobaria, Johanna and Gloss as well as the Arena. Oh and let’s not forget about Katniss’ mockingjay dress by Cinna… It’s just… Well…. Breathtaking.

I, for one, cannot wait until November 22nd and I am definitely going to be there- in the cinema. With my popcorn. Possibly annoying neighbours with my inhuman sounds. Eeeeep.

And remember:

May the odds be ever in your favour.

Tick, Tock.


What did you think? Feel free to comment down below…
Like if you’re a Mockingjay, don’t like if you’re President Snow.

p.s. Did you guys notice Effie lacking her signature enthusiasm and verve?

This is my first post so please bear with, while I get used to all of this *moves arm in wide sweeping motion*

2 thoughts on “Catching Fire: Trailer two

  1. It does looks really brilliant!

    Effie’s expressions were interesting. I can’t remember exactly how she was in the book, but is this a sign that even she is losing faith in the Games?

    • Hi, Thanks for stopping by!
      I, too, cannot remember exactly how she was in the book but from what I can, I’m pretty sure that the description of the reaping for the Quarter Quell was very succint and brief.
      Whilst I agree with you that perhaps even Effie is losing faith in the Games- after all, this time they are up against “experienced killers”- I also think that it suggests a manifest of her dawning realisation of the colossal unfairness of it all and her empathy with Katniss and Peeta amongst other contributing factors.


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