Guess Who’s Back?

Back again…Shady’s back, tell a friend

Ehem. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
I am sorry I haven’t posted in… forever, but hear me out. I have been occupied with incessant exams and the extensive studying that this entails. Thankfully these are finally over and I can dedicate an amount of time to this blog again. However, my presence is likely to be patchy due to various engagements though I will try my utmost to get some book reviews up again.

I am currently reading Dead Ends by Erin Lange, only her second novel but by no means anything but AMAZING so far!

Dead Ends


Having just been re-immersed into the world of fiction I am open to any suggestions or recommendations so please feel free to comment below! Also, please feel free to visit and follow my new tumblr page!

~ Emi

Liebster Award



Daduuung! I am so excited to say that I have been nominated by the wonderful We’re All Mad Here, this really made my day.

The Liebster award is an award for up and coming blogs, to promote them and help them get noticed by other people who share their interests. The rules are:

  • Link back the blogger that tagged you
  • Nominate ten others and answer the questions of the one who tagged you
  • Ask ten questions for the bloggers you nominate
  • Let your nominees know of their award

The Red Queen (that pseudonym is amazing), asked:

1. Why in the world did you start blogging?
I have always been an avid reader however, not many of my friends share my interest. In fact my bestest friend in the whole wide world scorns reading but that, of course, does not lessen my love for her. As a consequence, it became very difficult to find someone to talk to about the fictional world that I seem to live in these days so I decided to express my thoughts onto the internet and at the same time help people find something to read et voila, c’est ça!

2. Are you a part of any fandoms?
Are you kidding? Of course. So I am guessing you want me to name a few of my favourites? Okay, here we go: Harry Potter (that goes without saying), TID (Team Will), The Hunger Games, John Green, Divergent and the Caster Chronicles. 
3. What is your favorite genre?
My ultimate favourite genre would have to be sci-fi. I don’t know what it is I love about the aliens, the sinister apocalyptic concept, but I just do. Despite this, I love to read other genres as well, namely romance, classics and historical fiction.
4. Do you judge books based on their covers?
Yup. However, that is not the only thing that I judge a book by, although it may be a factor that leads to me picking it up. You see, if the cover catches my eye then I will pick it up, read the blurb, read a few pages and make a decision, simples. There are books out there with absolutely beautiful covers for example: The Fault in Our Stars, Shadow and Bone and The Goose Girl- to name but a few.
5. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done?
hm… now… thats a good question…. I can’t think of a single thing :( Watch this space.
6. What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a book blog?
Be yourself. Don’t worry about what others might think, its your blog- there will undoubtedly be someone out there who has the same opinion or the same taste as you, who will appreciate and love you for who you are. Oh and, don’t be mean but everyone on the book community that I have talked to are so kind and generous I don’t think you need to even take note of that last piece of advice. Yep. I am not the best person to go to to give advice :/
7. What book made you love reading?
I have loved reading from a very young age and so I find it very hard to single it down to a single novel, however, I am pretty sure it was Fairy Gold by Gwyneth Rees- I am indebted to her.
8. What’s your favorite series/book?
I just have too many. If you would really like to know, however, go to my about me page.
9. Would you rather never be able to read again or never be able to talk again?
WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS?! I should have probably read through the questions before accepting this. Okay… I choose… The former. 
10. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing what would it be?
A parasol. Just kidding. Oh gosh… dark chocolate.
Okay… Time for my questions:
1. Do you read before you watch?
2. What is the most recent book to movie adaption that you have watched and what did you think?
3. Do you have any strange reading habits?
4. What is your favourite snack to eat while reading?
5. The weirdest position/ place that you have read a book in?
6. Which fictional world would you most like to live in?
7. What made you want to start blogging?
8. The book that has influenced you the most?
9. Which book could you read over and over again and never get tired of?
10. Book related pet hate?
I would like to nominate:
Wait. Sorry- It is quite late here in the UK so I will update this later but for now, I nominate any one of you lovely people out there who is reading this right now :)